Berrybridge Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Take two inside out gorgeous people, add on a beautiful (but warm!) sunny day in June, and then place them on the grounds of a lovely southern Illinois country club and it’s a sure recipe for amazing photos! Some of us (um, ME!) could never be this comfortable in front of the camera, so I’m […]

Kristen + Blake wedding {by liz & mer}


We have been DYING to post this wedding!! Yippee!  Alison and Scott had a fun and fabulous wedding with fireworks at the World’s Fair Pavilion!  We began the day with the shiny things, because that’s how we do! LOOOOOVE these floral envelope liners!! A little pre wedding planking! and dancing!! cutie mom and sister moments!! […]

Alison + Scott wedding {by kate & meredith}