These two were smiling and laughing with all their hearts, all day long. Their smiles and laughs were so big and so real that I think their eyes were closed in half of the photos LOL. And I in turn spent hours of editing smiling right back at my computer screen (with the cheek cramps […]
When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I had a few friends that had their entire lives planned out. Like year by year. It TOTALLY blew my mind. They would rattle it off… “when I’m 25 I’ll be making $50,000 a year, when I turn 26 I’ll get married, we’ll buy a house in […]
I’m not going to lie to you wonderful people out there in the world. The weather pattern that has been swirling around over the St. Louis metropolitan area has been TOUGH on us poor wedding photographers this year. These little storms that seem to be coming in daily are all fine and dandy as long […]