Alex and Jamie are some of the most laid back people I photographed this year… they had a casual winery wedding surrounded by family and friends. They are also one of those couples who, when you are with them, you can palpably feel how much they love each other. Both cried during their vows (sorry […]
Love, love, LOVE these two! One of the very best things about photographing people for a living is actually getting to know the people on the other side of the lens. I meet so many interesting people, but sometimes I am lucky enough to meet the sweetest and most fun ones around. I’m pretty sure […]
Looking through these photos after I got them all in here made me smile. No seriously, I was scrolling through to make sure everything made it in correctly and suddenly realized I had a little grin on my face. Having realized this, I went back through again and did some smile counting. There are smiles […]
Jen + Desh got married on what *may* have been the hottest saturday of this year… many an A/C break were taken and many (many) a snow cone & zoo slurpee were drunk, but everyone had fun AND I got to pet a teeny tiny little armadillo! (MUCH cuter than you would think) I love […]