The hottest day of the more ways than one (by liz) - Showit Blog
August 3, 2009

The hottest day of the year…in more ways than one (by liz)

Those of you who know me well (or have talked to me for 5 minutes) know how I feel about heat. A few minutes in anything north of 80 degrees and my brain starts sending out small distress calls for help. It is still a mystery why I didn’t settle down in Denver with some ice, mountains and a few feet of snow. But I digress…June is usually a pretty mild month and the real stuff kicks in once July rolls around. This year it visited us a bit earlier than usual…just in time for Katie & Brian’s wedding! But it wasn’t nearly as hot as this beautiful couple. Katie wore a fitted, simple and very stylish rusched dress and Brian was classic in his black tux and tie.

Brian (doctor by day and art director by night) had some great ideas and forced me to get a little creative. You are going to enjoy this tour of downtown St. Louis! We even visited Pappy’s BBQ for a shot or two. And the photos of them making out in the ticket booth at the Fox Theater are nothing short of smokin!

Heat or no heat, I had so much fun with you guys. Thanks for being so open minded!

The girls got ready at the Four Seasons and I must give the fabulous Danielle Erb credit for the flawless hair and makeup.


This is one of my favorite photos from the whole day. Every person is smiling and attentive…it is a perfect moment. And perfect moments deserve and old school look that will live on for ages.


I never get sick of taking photos of the Old Cathedral. It is the perfect St. Louis location.


Almost married…




A little color scheme photo collage for you…


Location #1: The Riverfront. Brian also had the idea for the two of them to skip stones into the river. All in all a great stop.


One of my favorite new urban stops: The Metrolink Station. Just hanging out waiting for the next train.


We even had extras for this shoot! Thanks Mr. Security Dude for playing along with our charade!


Waiting in line at Pappy’s BBQ. If you haven’t had it, you MUST. I suggest the Frito Pie. It’s like the slinger of the BBQ world. Maybe we should take someone back for a TTD session with BBQ Sauce?!


My girl Gayle at the Fox Theater hooked me up to get us into the Ticket Booth that is really only for ornamental purposes.  And I LOVE these shots!


Katie wanted a fountain, so we found a fountain.  Great partly cloudy skies to work with all day. 


A few fave alley shots. I liked using the Thaxton Speakeasy backdrop for these two…went well with their classic, glamour look.


ALWAYS love back-seat-of-the-car shots. This was a town car, but I’m good with classic cars, vinatage cars, just about any car. I’ve never met one of these photos I didn’t like!


Dancing on the rooftop terrace at the Four Seaons. Katie and Brian did a perfect choreographed dance and gave me plenty of time to get this impressive dip.


Such a beautiful day!


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  1. great stuff!! that really is a tour of st. louis : )

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