You know the phrase “just like riding a bike”? Well, I haven’t ridden one in years. And I’m pretty sure that the “just like riding a bike” phrase would not apply to me at this point if I gave it a go. Actually I’m pretty sure I would be a danger to pedestrians, cars, children and myself. Basically anything and everything in my path should consider itself in jeopardy.
Ali and Tim were my first wedding of the year after my winter “break.” And by “break” I don’t mean lack of work (by any stretch of the imagination!), but a period of time annually where I put my camera down for a month or two to recharge my creative batteries. It helps me feel excited, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world with fresh senses. Maybe a little cheesy, but totally true. I think most creative people will totally get me on this one. So when I went to shoot that day, I was a little extra anxious (I ALWAYS start off the day anxious), nervous, pumped, etc. But when it comes to photographs, for me it really is just like riding a bike. Ten minutes of warm up and I feel like I settle into my zone.
I usually like to warm up on non-animated objects like dresses, rings, invitations, etc. Ali threw a little challenge at Meredith and I with these adorable wooden Mr and Mrs hangers from Anthropologie. Plus we were shooting them getting ready at Hotel Ignacio and we were unfamiliar with what those rooms had to offer for hanging things, shooting jewelry, etc. So once we figured out where to hang those suckers we were golden! Totally cute too. ;)
I just happened to have some pink heart confetti in my big bag of tricks. You never know what I’m going to pull out of there! It’s a little Mary Poppins-esque.
Robes really are a great bridesmaid gift that they can actually use. Most of my friends weddings were prior to this cute trend. I may just have to head over to Plum Pretty Sugar and buy myself one.
Each of the bridesmaids dresses were the same but they all tied the tulle in a different way. Great idea!
Love momma moments.
Pretty hair knot!
Ok, so I also love papa moments. I’m equal opportunity on the emotional moment roller coaster that is the wedding day.
Gorgeous Ali!
The details on your dress were so fun and perfectly matched your personality.
This card cracks me up. It also cracks me up that Tim’s handwriting is so bad that everyone got a laugh out of trying to decipher what it said. (I can’t read Steve’s handwriting over 50% of the time. It’s a game we play regularly.)
Over to Tim and the guys with Meredith!
It was good that Meredith was with Tim because he was seriously over a foot taller than me! Would have been a questionable up the nose kind of angle in that small room. PS – Ali is about my height. ;)
Off to the Peabody for their first look!
Fun wedding party photo under the old letters.
Pretty pretty flowers by our good friend Lisa at Belli Fiori! Actually we are going to happy hour here in about an hour. Yay fun drinks with friends!
I am really glad Ali wore 5-6″ platforms so she could reach Tim. From one shorty to another – great decision!
When at the Peabody, you MUST take full advantage of the architecture. And the stage.
This all freesia bouquet smelled AMAZING. I love this monochromatic bouquet of one massed bloom so much!
Headed to the Peabody Ticket Lobby to get ready for the ceremony. More pretty things!
It is such a great art deco space.
Lots of laughs!
Time to party!
The Peabody Grand Lobby.
Loving this cake topper. We’ve had a few great ones already this year!
Dance party!
And fun (and maybe a little danger!) with sparklers. I love them, but for the best photo effect we really need everyone in at an almost uncomfortable flammable distance. I’m glad someone told Ali to take her veil out!
Ha! Favorite sparkler face EVER!
Thank you guys so much for trusting your day to us! We love how much fun you have together. It was a joy to capture it!
With love, Liz and Meredith
Ceremony & Reception venue : Peabody Opera House
Stationery : Minted
Florist : Belli Fiori
Cake : The Cakery
Hair : Ashli at Studio 11
Makeup : Denise at Studio 11
Gown : Watters – Frew’s Bridal
Band : Mirage
Videographer : Sweet Tea Films
L Photographie St. Louis Wedding Photographers
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