There is one thing you can be sure about when it comes to life. It’s complete unpredictability. Yes, there are things we can control and decisions we can make, but some of the most important things we have little to no say over. Two of the big ones: when we die, and when we fall in love. You can make decisions that will push your life in one direction or another (choose not to smoke, try online dating, etc), but that only gives us influence. I knew people in high school and college who had it all planned out…graduate degree by 24, married by 26, first child at 28, second child before turning 30, and so on and so forth. Then life happens…illnesses put you behind in your studies, that long term relationship turns out to not be “the one”, fertility issues push back the child-bearing timeline. But I’m here to tell you that we are all perfectly unique and that each of our stories, no matter how they play out, are meaningful and beautiful.
My job allows me to observe love in so many of its forms, and it truly helps put life in perspective. Bride and groom, parent and child, best friends, sister and brother, even pets and owners…in the words of Love Actually, love is all around. Beth and Sandy might not have started their love story right out of high school, but it is no less beautiful. I would argue that it is more so…that two people who know themselves so well are willing to give a piece of what they have cultivated for years to another human being completely….it’s amazing. Thank you guys so much for allowing me to experience your love and all of the friends and family who so obviously love you to the end of the earth and back. Your wedding day was perfect and perfectly you!
This gown looked so amazing on you Beth!
Loved this detail on the back
A little gift for Sandy’s son, the best man!
Time for the first look – it was so windy outside we opted to stay in the ballroom!
And off to the Muny for some family portraits – loved their small intimate wedding party.
Loved all these walking shots :)
The cherry blossoms hung on for us, yay!
I asked Sandy to give Beth a kiss on the cheek and this was what happened! I mean that technically is a cheek ;)
After portraits we were off to the 9th Street Abbey and cocktails on the patio. Perfect evening for it!
Beth and Sandy’s ceremony was very laid back but so sweet and intimate.
Married! Congrats you two :)
Lovely bright florals from Tina Barrera.
Just a few of the yummy stations Patty Long put together for guests!
So happy to have been a part of your day, much love to you both! – Liz & Mer
Planner: Proposing Dreams
Ceremony & Reception venue: 9th Street Abbey
Florist: The Special Event Florist
Cake: Sugaree Baking Co.
Band: Downtime Productions
Stationery: Minted
Hair & Makeup: Cindy McCalla
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