Kids and families grow and change so much each year. It’s so important to capture. This is their life. And they are your life. Even if you don’t hire a professional photographer, please take lots of photos every chance you get – especially of the everyday, what you think is mundane, moments. With all this tornado destruction talk on the news right now, thinking about those families that have lost their homes and have to rebuild their lives – and I think about how maybe they wish they had just one more day of photos with the kids playing in their room with their favorite toys. Or of how many family photos were lost, either in print or on computers. (Speaking of, I’m going to do a blog post soon about how to easily back-up your photos off-site. Off-site meaning, online, and not in your home. So you’ll have them no matter what!) Just a thought that I had this morning. I’ll be taking some *mundane* photos of my own today. In our messy house, with Will probably still in his PJs.
OK … Sorry for my rambling moment. I came out here to share Carson’s shoot with you…
Last time I photographed this family, Carson could fit in a bowl. Literally. I love seeing newborn’s I’ve photographed grow into the funny toddlers that I get to chase around. I really do love this stage.
First we played with Thomas at the Kirkwood Train Station… so cute.
Then we chased around some bubbles.
Then we walked over to the Farmer’s Market, where Carson helped us plan out our spring garden.
“Yes. I read about these. They’d be great.”
“And you’ll need some of those.”
“These are great for playing peek-a-boo.”
“And these are the best for playing chase.” Ha.
Then we took a ride through downtown Kirkwood…
To finish the shoot with the best way I know how. Ice cream!
Hope you enjoy the sneak peek Jamie & Aaron. More coming your way soon!
St. Louis Family Photographer, Kristie Cromie.
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