I’m so excited to share Jordyn’s photos…this session was a dream! Perfect weather and oh yea we got to shoot at the stables where Jordyn keeps her horse. At sunset. SOOO pretty! Definitely my first time shooting with horses, which was mostly fine (Cabo, Jordyn’s horse, just had to be kept from rolling in the mud! ;)) Thankfully Jordyn’s mom and grandma tagged along to help with the wrangling. I definitely would not know what to do with a horse on my own! He was very sweet though and helped us make some awesome photos for Jordyn. Let’s get to it!
We saved the stable stuff for last to keep Jordyn from getting dirty herself, and met at this awesome little park to start. This grove of trees feels so different from what I typically see in the St. Louis parks, but is only a short drive over the river into Illinois. Going to keep my eye out for more like this on the MO side!
Love this one.
A good mix of bright colors here with the red and aqua. Color for the win!
Another random little spot where the light was perfect. Had to hold back from including every single one!
Alright time to meet Cabo! Isn’t he a handsome fellow?
A treat for being such a good sport ;)
Parting shot for Cabo
Sunset colors <3
I had so much fun shooting this with you Jordyn, hope you love all the images just as much! – Meredith
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