So one thing about this time of year that I don’t like, is that it gets dark so early… BUT I’m starting to change my tune on that. There is actually a big photographer bonus that comes earlier in the day now … sunset light! For us photographers that usually photograph families with small children, this is a big deal. During the summer all the kids are in bed by the perfect sunset light. So, we have to figure out how to photograph around high noon in the summer. When the light is icky for photos, but the kids sure are happy. And for me, happy kids are #1 for getting good family photos. The light I learn how to deal with. That’s my job. So, this year I’ve decided I’m OK with the time change. And here’s why… this yummy sunset light I got with the Meeks : )
by the way, brother in the background up there is on the hunt for the largest stick in the woods. he found it. ha.
Kristie these are gorgeous!