I think Nicole and Tim had the last pretty St. Louis weekend before the city turned into a slow cooker. Good choice guys! The girls got ready that morning in a suite downtown at the Renaissance Grand. Nicole was cracking me up – I’m taking photos of her veil being put on and she’s reaching for the pineapple. But that must be why she has a beautiful figure and me, not so much – I would be reaching for the cookies! Then everyone is wisked off to St.Gabriel’s in St. Louis Hills for a beautiful ceremony. We headed to Forest Park for a few photos in the middle…we were going to do a few more but Tim hijacked the party bus. Ha! I always tell people that the day isn’t about the photos – it’s about the wedding, spending time with friends and fam and just having a great time. Tim was done with photos and so be it!
I love shooting at this time of year because it stays light so much longer. Which meant a sunset dinner at Windows on Washington. It almost makes it feel like we could have been at some tropical location with the way the warm light washed into the room. But no beach here – just a river! And a beautiful newly married couple. Congrats you two!
Shoes, shoes and more shoes! I think that it is tough to take a BAD picture of shoes.
What’s the chance of this – exact same earrings as Emily from the weekend before except Emily’s were silver and Nicole’s were gold. And I loved them both with all of the shiny little stones smiling back at me!
Believe it or not I did not tell the adorable little flower girl to stand in the window. She just did…model in the making?! Also, does anyone else think that Tim could be Natialie Portman’s long lost brother? I don’t know what it is, but I swear they have some of the same genes buried in there somewhere!
Ok, this photo actually made me laugh out loud (literally) when I was editing the photos. It was one of the more humorous parts of the day watching the groomsmen try to pin flowers on each other, but something about both of their faces in this one just pushed me over the top.
Beautiful ceremony.
And beautiful flowers. Sometimes I love the intricately designed bouquets and sometimes I just cherish simple bouquets made from almost all one flower. When you bunch together all of the same color is really adds a huge pop!
And these are both examples of beautiful natural light. Love it. I coudn’t create that wonderful diffused light on the left if I tried.
All of the beautiful bridesmaids laughing it up in the park!
Tons of fabulous girliness.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten lucky enough to actually have a bride with a long veil on a windy day – but it finally happened and it was grogeous! Enjoy the next few…
Cake and matching chair ties to pull in the colors.
And a little orange and green here and there to pull in the other colors!
And here’s that sunset I was talking about. Just looking at it makes me want to take a deep breath and relax.
Beautiful day you two – thank you for letting me hang around!
Amazing, amazing shots Liz! And I’m so happy you got your long, windy veil. Those are great. And I like that park spot!
Also, love the sunset shot into W.O.W. Very cool.