We are announcing our next beginner’s photography workshop for parents: SUNDAY, APRIL 7.
E-mail us {address in ad below} if you would like to sign up, or get more info. We have another fun class planned and would love to have you join us.
Details …
Can I come if I don’t have kids?
Yes, you can! Just know that we will be discussing “kid” situations in our examples, and discussing more of a focus on shooting for portraits not landscapes. If you have a pet, nieces/nephews, or want to one day have kids that you’ll take lots of photos of, this class is also great for you to get to know your camera.
Are you talking business?
Not at all. This class is not about becoming a pro photographer, it is truly meant for the new hobbyist. If you are looking for a pro workshop, I would highly recommend taking one that focuses on business and workflow as much as the photography itself.
Other questions … Email and ask away. Thanks!
How do I register and pay online? Or do I do that from you?