Accolade Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Claire and Patrick are adorable, and they  got married on the rainiest wedding day of the year (so far!) but they did not let the torrential downpour dash their spirits one bit! We grabbed our umbrellas and ran for cover multiple times, even within Jewel Box.  Yup, if it’s raining hard enough, it can leak!  Little streams […]

Claire + Patrick wedding {by kate}


Okay, so buckle up… this one is going to be kinda long… you know how it is when we get awesome people and pretty stuff to photograph (even if the weather is somewhat uncooperative!)  Presenting Lily and Lars triumphant return to the blog!  #LARLY Let’s talk for a minute about this necklace… um, it’s amazing […]

Lily + Lars wedding {by kate & meredith}


Let the fall flashbacks continue!  Another gorgeous one here… Liz and Luis got married at the tail end of October on a crisp, autumn afternoon.  Liz is one of those people that smiles and laughs in such a way that you can’t help smiling yourself…. so I am going to start this blog out with […]

Liz + Luis wedding {by kate}