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L Photographie


Christie and Tim got married on a blustery & cold winter day… they opted for less outdoor photo time and more party time at Barcelona… can you blame them?!? LOL We began the day at Christie’s parent’s home surrounded by her family and her sweet (and sassy) daughter Rose. LOVE this ring setting!! “Mommy, look at […]

Christie + Tim wedding {by kate}


We’ve been busy over here! Before I leave town for a few days I have a few more pretty things to share. Elise and Ben’s engagement session almost didn’t happen due to my silly little car (that doesn’t have a spare…who knew?!) getting a last minute flat tire, but I’m SO GLAD that we were […]

Elise + Ben engaged {by liz}


This was a really fun one for me to re-live! These two make me smile. They are just so darn NICE, have kind and close-knit families and lots of fun friends. All of which means that this day was filled with a multitude of sweet emotions and zero wedding day drama. Sometimes when I am […]

Maribeth + Todd wedding {by liz}


Jenn and Andrew and I had a fun walk around the Demun area and then at the World’s Fair Pavilion, where their wedding reception will be held next Spring…. bonus: in between when we scheduled the session and when we shot it, they got a golden retriever puppy, so I got to play with her! […]

Jenn + Andrew engagement {by kate}


Happy Holidays from L Photographie! First, we apologize to our Jewish friends, Christmastime rhymed more with Hammertime, versus Hanukkahtime, so we just went with it. Plus, we couldn’t stop the Ho Ho Hos. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, had a great Hanukkah, and whatever you are celebrating we wish you the best and […]

STOP. Christmastime.


‘Tis the Season … For family photos!  And (knock-on-wood) we’ve been having some great weather around St. Louis for them. Here is a quick share of a fun, little family I strolled around Oak Knoll Park with, celebrating their sweet daughter’s first birthday.  I love watching how “proud” 1-year-olds are when they walk.  Genuine happiness. […]

Farih Family {by kristie}


Another sweet little bundle of baby smiles. Meet little Hayley at 10 days old, with her proud big Sis…              

Baby Haley. 10 days new. {by kristie}