Connie Duglin Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Where to begin…I think I have to start with a few words to Joseph, our guest of honor for this wonderful day! Joseph, you are without a doubt one of the kindest young men I’ve gotten to work with. Throughout this busy day we were impressed by your thoughtfulness, whether with your younger brothers, family […]

True Blue : Joseph’s bar mitzvah {by meredith & liz}


Welcome to the my final wedding blog from 2015! Gotta love going out on a high note! These two were so much fun. Quick summary of random stuff: Emily’s mom was smiling through happy tears all day long. Ryan’s mom participated in a pretty kick ass choreographed dance. The whole wedding party humored me by […]

Emily + Ryan wedding {by liz}


I’m so glad this wedding snuck itself into my 2015 calendar. There was never a question really…I don’t think it’s even possible to say no to Claire and to be honest I can’t remember ever saying no to Simcha either. (I just had a side realization that I am a total push over!) Each year […]

Claire + Jared wedding {by liz}


Happy Friday world! I actually have a rare Saturday off tomorrow, and it’s awesomely nice outside, so I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy and happy at the moment. And looking at these two lovebirds just makes me smile even more! I just put together the photos and then looked back through it and thought, damn, […]

Katie + Paul wedding {by liz}