coral flowers Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Ok so quick truth. I 100% depend on Meredith to help me narrow down my images for blog posts. I usually give her like 200 – 250 favorites and she is SUPPOSED to be more judgemental to get it down to a reasonable number for me. Mer, I love you, but you failed on this […]

Julie + Nate wedding {by liz & mer}


Okay, so buckle up… this one is going to be kinda long… you know how it is when we get awesome people and pretty stuff to photograph (even if the weather is somewhat uncooperative!)  Presenting Lily and Lars triumphant return to the blog!  #LARLY Let’s talk for a minute about this necklace… um, it’s amazing […]

Lily + Lars wedding {by kate & meredith}