Moulin Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Lots of late work nights mean that I am putting up TWO count ’em TWO wedding blogs in one week! I can’t say this will happen again any time soon. Big thanks to all of my couples still waiting for their photos out there. Your patience is appreciated more than you know! I promise we […]

Elizabeth + David wedding {by liz}


Smiles and laughter. That pretty much sums up this entire day for me! I know, I’m normally really long winded and it takes me paragraphs to make a point, but this one is easy. Kelly and Steve smiled and laughed all day long. I have a feeling that is just how they normally are together. […]

Kelly + Steve {by liz and kate}


Leanne and Mark kind of have this “princess and the country boy” thing going on and it just works. Leanne looked beautiful in her fitted lace gown and shiny shoes, and Mark was dapper in his gray tux and perfect hair (more on the hair below!) The day was woody and natural mixed with fancy […]

Leanne + Mark {by liz}


Alright people – settle in because this is a long one! I’m keeping my intro rambling to a minimum and going the comment route instead. Hannah and Mark – gorgeous early fall wedding chocked full of neat details. White jacket tuxes, classic car, flower wreaths, individually crafted favors, the perfect groom’s gift and so much […]

Hannah + Mark {by liz}


One more little thing to share (look – I’m racking up the blog points!) from the latest Saint Louis Bride Magazine! Jessi and Dan were married last November and had a really classy fall-ish wedding with the reception at Moulin – one of my faves. And if you haven’t eaten at Vin de Set you […]

Featured Wedding – Jessi & Dan (by liz)