{by kristie} A quick share for Alex. My “little” nephew who is so much taller than me. I can’t believe he’s graduating high school this year. Why does that make me feel so old? We hung around our studio in the Central West End for this session. I tried not to torture him too much… […]
Sharing another tiny bundle of joy that came into our studio. She was so quiet and sweet, even Liz (who is usually not here when I photograph newborns) commented on how good she was! And she didn’t just “say” that since she is good friends with Hayden’s Mom and Dad ; ) Starting with the […]
So excited to finally share this little guy’s photos. Little Henry Kemp, born May 31, 9:05 pm, weighing in at 7lbs 13.6oz of smiles. His awesome parents are dear friends of mine, and Will (my little guy) is excited to have a new little buddy in town! The “Junior Wrecking Crew” grows. Many Congratulations to […]