Artistry on Cakes Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Amanda and Collin had a beautiful wedding day… I am maybe biased (of course) but looking back on this weather is making me long for the end of winter!  We started the day at Amanda’s family home with lots of friends! goin to the chapel….. this church is so bright and pretty inside! this is […]

Amanda + Collin wedding {by kate}


Roberta and Corey had a beautiful fall wedding on Corey’s family’s farm in Illinois.  I always LOVE working with families for multiple weddings and this is no exception!  Corey is the brother of a former favorite couple, Amanda and Chris, so I was super excited to get to work with their families and to see […]

Roberta + Corey wedding {by kate}


Not quite done with our fall flashback series just yet! We still have a few amazing wedding days to showcase, and this is definitely one of them! One of my favorite things about this couple: genuineness. They both exude this heart-on-the-sleeve sort of openness that evokes emotion in everyone around them. Whether that emotion includes […]

Katie + Gaetano wedding {by liz}


This “fall flashback” is one of my favorites mostly because I adore the bride and groom.  It doesn’t hurt that they had a super cute wedding full of fun people…but Amanda and Chris are good people.  They are the kind of people you hope are in the seats next to you on the airplane — […]

Amanda + Chris wedding {by kate}