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L Photographie


I’ve known Easlyn’s step mom Lisa and her dad Joe for…oh…how long has it been? Probably like 10 years AT LEAST?! How is that possible?! Lisa is one of my favorite florists in St. Louis and even more important than that, an awesome friend. I love all of the gals on her whole team! I […]

Easlyn + Spencer wedding {by liz & meredith}


Where to begin…I think I have to start with a few words to Joseph, our guest of honor for this wonderful day! Joseph, you are without a doubt one of the kindest young men I’ve gotten to work with. Throughout this busy day we were impressed by your thoughtfulness, whether with your younger brothers, family […]

True Blue : Joseph’s bar mitzvah {by meredith & liz}


I barely believe this as it is coming out of my fingers, but this was my very first wedding at Meadowbrook Country Club! shot a really awesome baby shower there once for a wedding planner friend, but after all these years this is my first wedding. I don’t get to have very many first like […]

Lauren + Andy wedding {by liz}


So excited to post this wedding on the blog before the weather gets nasty today… it’s a doozy!  A gorgeous and happy couple, see families, amazing wedding planner and stunning venue?!? …. check!!  We started out at the Chase Park Plaza for this lovely fall wedding day. The bride had a BRAND NEW nephew who […]

Jackie + Todd wedding {by kate}


Amanda + JP are pretty much the cutest…. their family and friends are full of laughs, plus there are swords!!!  We began the day at the Westin… Amanda has the *perfect* amount of wedding sparkle.  ✨ stunning even in the “before” photos! JP has a little ‘bling’ too! It was a beautiful, sunny day for […]

Amanda + JP wedding {by kate & meredith}


Andrea and Dhruv got married on a glorious late summer day, among beautiful wedding things and loving friends and family!  We began at Andrea’s family home, while Mer met with the guys for some impromptu dance practice! Let’s begin with THESE SHOES! Flower girls just wanna have fun! the lovely Andrea and her handsome groom. […]

Andrea + Dhruv wedding {by kate & meredith}


OMG…so much loveliness here! These two each have such unique and wonderful personalities. I met Kathleen multiple times before spending any time with Connor. I would describe Kathleen as witty with a hilariously dry and sarcastic sense of humor. Very quick to make crazy faces and not as quick to smile, but you feel pretty […]

Kathleen + Connor wedding {by liz & meredith}


I have a confession. I know that I’m a photographer and that means that I should somehow naturally be good at social media, but I am certifiably TERRIBLE. I can’t remember the exact years that blogging became a “thing”, but I remember when Kristie told me I had to start doing it. I rolled my […]

Jess + Derek wedding {by liz}


This was my last wedding of 2016. The final wedding of the year is always bitter sweet for me. I know you’re going to think I’m wimpy, but shooting weddings is HARD both mentally and physically! By the end of the year I’m pretty beat up. My feet feel permanently bruised on the bottoms, my […]

Ally + Kevin wedding {by liz & meredith}