MAC Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


I hope that everyone had a fantastic Halloween! So much fun ahead as we move into holiday season. However, since our editing process over here is pretty extensive, I’m going to be giving you a few more summer flashbacks as the leaves fall from the trees. If you long for lush green fields, picnics in […]

Grace + Craig wedding {by liz & mer}


Christie and Tim got married on a blustery & cold winter day… they opted for less outdoor photo time and more party time at Barcelona… can you blame them?!? LOL We began the day at Christie’s parent’s home surrounded by her family and her sweet (and sassy) daughter Rose. LOVE this ring setting!! “Mommy, look at […]

Christie + Tim wedding {by kate}


Alexandra and John and I spent a little time at lafayette Square Park on a beautiful day, with a lot of Monarch butterflies ☀️ (why is there no butterfly emoji?!) and another stop at the MAC since their reception will be here!  We had to wait around a while for the sign to come on.. […]

Alexandra + John engaged {by kate}


This is going to be one of those blogs with a TON of photos. Meredith and I have both tried to narrow it down and we basically suck. Damn you Hogans and Hilles for being so fun! :) I think this might be our next wedding sample album. Not only were the beautiful details executed […]

Darby + Steve wedding {by liz & mer}


I think this is my first blog of 2015! Well, we are definitely staring it off right then. I’m going to have a little bit of fun with these two I think. I’m pretty sure they can take it! Teah and Michael are a really fun and laid back couple. Teah says that being high […]

Teah + Michael wedding {by liz & meredith}


Courtney and Patrick have *maybe* the closest knit families in the universe.  For not being married yet, it already felt like their parents and siblings and cousins had all already adopted one another 100% — so fun!  I met Courtney at her family home to shoot the details… I don’t know how bride’s walk around […]

Courtney + Patrick wedding {by kate & meredith}


So this was a little tough to narrow down. We were all just talking in the studio about how we seem to suck at that lately! I mean, I know my clients don’t need 5 photos of their rings, but they are really pretty rings. I also know they won’t do anything with that series […]

Jen + Brad wedding {by liz and meredith}


I had the pleasure of photographing the other half of the Gateway EDI holiday event (the facepaint, snow, and candy cane free portion it seems!)  The afternoon part of the event was entirely focused on the employees having fun and being recognized for their hard work.  Exclusive Events set up a beautiful stage and lighting, […]

Don’t you wish you worked for this company?! part two {by kate}


I had the pleasure of photographing the coolest company holiday party I have ever seen! Those of you who know me well, and heck let’s be honest, probably many of those who don’t, know that I LOVE Christmas! It’s just so pretty with the shiny lights, excuses to go shopping (one for you one for […]

Don’t you wish you worked for this company?! {by liz}