May wedding Archives - Showit Blog

L Photographie


Erin and Faisal got married on a rainy day…. probably my rainiest of the year, but they took it like champs & we still managed to get some gorgeous photos!! We started out at the Chase Park Plaza (and we will end there as well!)  Erin had a ring that belonged to Faisal’s father made […]

Erin + Faisal wedding {by kate & meredith}


Ahhh where to begin?!  Another Osborn girl got married, and I was lucky enough to be there to capture it.  Truly one of my favorite families and such a fun group of vendors that is was almost like a mini family reunion to see everyone again.  I am pretty sad that there are not any […]

Katie + Shawn wedding {by kate & meredith}


Emily and Bill made our jobs insanely easy on their wedding day. They are both not only awesomely expressive people, but they are totally, 100% into each other. When we shot their portraits after the ceremony we felt like we had plenty of great stuff within the first 3 minutes! No joke. With little to […]

Emily + Bill wedding {by liz & meredith}


Ally and Scotty were my first wedding on the books for 2016 so I had been looking forward to this big day for quite awhile! It’s always an extra special honor to work with special event industry peeps. Ally runs events at Busch Stadium (cool right? I’m sure someone out there is thinking dream job!) […]

Ally + Scotty wedding {by liz + guest photog Marsha}