Okay folks, buckle in, this is kind of a long one. Between the crazy scheduling of fall and my kid breaking his arm, I have not been on the blog for a few weeks – so in my triumphant return to blogging (don’t call it a comeback!) I present for your viewing pleasure, Kim and […]
Now we are working our way back in time! All the way back to just over a year ago actually. There was snow on the ground then too! MUCH more of it. I love snow. And it was the cherry on the sundae to this perfect winter wonderland wedding from beginning to end. And to […]
New experiences! I’m trying to make 2011 about new experiences…you know, break out of the norm, visit new places, approach life a little differently. And in January Lisa and Joe helped me get off to good start. I’ve never had the opportunity to shoot wedding photos in the snow until now! When Lisa called me […]