Spending time with the whole family together. It really is something special to capture. It’s not often that I photograph extended family photo sessions that are not for a specific event (like Grandma’s birthday party, or a baptism, for example) – but having “something to do” besides stare at the camera is totally the way […]
A peek of Abbey’s Senior Photo session. Rumor has it Abbey and her Mom have been blog-stalking waiting for a peek. Hee. So here you go … Hope you enjoy!
Meet Kayla, one of our L Photographie Senior Reps for the Class of 2013. She is soon to leave the Junior Class and take charge of the school with the rest of the Seniors… counting down the days to break free and head to college I’m sure ; ) We had a fun session here […]
Awesomeness…need I say more?! Well, you know I will because I’m long winded, chatty and just can’t help myself. But when you see the photos you’ll probably decide it wasn’t necessary. I am truly honored to have photographed this wedding! Kim was absolutely awesome to work with, sharp witted, funny, smart and sassy. Yes, sassy. […]