Bare Walls Beware! Meet Indie Mats. - Showit Blog

L Photographie

October 2, 2012

Bare Walls Beware! Meet Indie Mats.

{by kristie}

I want to share this awesome company that recently started up right here in the Central West End.
INDIE MATS. I got to meet the owners, Emma and Anne, just before the launch of their website. (They were super-sweet enough to let me give away some of these Indie Mats at my last Shoot the Kids workshop for parents). And let me tell you, these mats are awesome! The designs are super fun, modern and simple – all things I love. The quality is great. And they are super EASY to get up on your wall.

I’ve been on lots of rants lately about how I feel this current generation of toddlers is going to grow up with no photos. It sounds crazy, I know, as parents are constantly snapping away with their phones and cameras and iPads, uploading to Facebook, Instagram, etc. But, what are YOU parent doing with those photos?! Are you properly backing them up, so they don’t get lost if your laptop hits the floor? Are you going to transfer them to new media when CDs go away… and Facebook goes away. Imagine your children in 30 years going through an old trunk of photos … wait, an old trunk of CDs and Hard Drives … and what are they going to be able to put that CD into? Nada. That’s right. There are already computers being made without CD drives and USB ports. Media always changes. (What would you do if you found a floppy disc at your Mom’s right now? Yep. Throw it out.) So if media always changes … what is a parent that wants their child’s memories forever saved to do? PRINT.
Print your favorite photos!
OK. It appears I’ve gone on another rant about printing. Apology. But it’s important.

So, when you decide to print all your favorite photos you’ve snapped this year – Hop over to Indie Mats to spice them up with style! I think these mats are fabulous for kids’ rooms, playrooms, and especially teen & college rooms where taste is ever-changing. Also great for showcasing favorite photos at your next fabulous birthday party, baby shower, wedding shower. And since these are after all, mats, you can even put them in a frame.

Even though I’m here to promote photos, it doesn’t have to be a photo you put in this mat. It could be your kids’ art, or signage at your awesome DIY party. (Wedding and Event Planners … holler!)

Another great thing to love about Indie Mats … they are made RIGHT HERE in St. Louis from start to finish. How awesome is that!

Below are some of our favorite Indie Mats, but you should head over to their website to see more ideas, learn how easy they are to use, and BUY.

Then be inspired to PRINT your photos!

(photo credits to Indie Mats, and J Pollack Photo)

avec l’amour,
{with love}

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