Remember fall?! I know it seems like spring is around the corner (spoiler – it’s not – it’s St. Louis – we are going to get at least one more snow!) but this really wasn’t all that long ago! Katie is the talented daughter of my long-time industry friend Carleen of Catering St. Louis. I […]
Oooooo I am so excited to share this one! What can I say? I am a sucker for sweet people and impressive architecture. Seriously though, until now, I haven’t shot in the Grand Hall in St. Louis Union Station for YEARS. In my defense there have been a few bumps getting it to where it […]
Happy Friday world! I have a rare weekend off and am looking forward to some R&R with the hubby! We will be wondering around the Taste of Soulard tomorrow if anyone would like to join us. And it is supposed to be a beautiful day! Just like this lovely wedding day in October. Which was […]
I’m so glad this wedding snuck itself into my 2015 calendar. There was never a question really…I don’t think it’s even possible to say no to Claire and to be honest I can’t remember ever saying no to Simcha either. (I just had a side realization that I am a total push over!) Each year […]
Strap in folks, this is kind of a long blog… 1) because I adore the couple and 2) This is an Easter surprise blog and I just couldn’t cut any more images out! You may remember Christine and Larry from the fun Mizzou engagement session a while back…adorable and full of tiger spirit! They […]