This year started off sunny and beautiful! And then mother nature decided a thunderstorm a day was a great way to spend most of spring. Could this weather be any weirder?! I mean yeah, I guess we could have a Midwestern hurricane. That would be weirder. But back before my Accuweather weather app started showing […]
I remember every wedding I shoot. Maybe not every little detail, but I definitely have specific memories tied to 10 years worth of photographing wedding days. It’s funny how our brain decides to store certain things as if they have been branded in there with a hot iron, yet other thoughts fly in and out […]
Rarely does everything go perfectly on a wedding day. Usually it’s all about taking a deep breath, letting go and rolling with the punches. That being said, I don’t think I can come up with one thing on Heather and Dave’s wedding day that DIDN’T go just as planned! Except for the fact that my […]
Kate and I shot Sarah and Tim’s wedding back on a chilly day in March this year. It was beautifully planned with irish greens all the way down to Sarah’s green wellies (that Tim ADORES, or um, hates. Fine line. I adore them though!) And the ladies at The Knot liked it as much as […]