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L Photographie


I am a strange mix of happy and sad as I write this post. The Singer women have been in my life for a long time! Deb and Sam were married in 2013 at the Muny. Still my only wedding ceremony and reception in that location to date! And then Ruth and Ari’s soiree at […]

Rebeccah + Lior wedding {by liz}


Big giant post  ahead – Charlie’s baseball themed mitzvah was ah-mazing! Simcha’s Events   hit it out of the park for sure. Ok enough baseball jokes, let’s dig in to this day of celebration! Love these moments – little sister Kate is such a sweetheart , love her excitement for her brother. Charlie’s grandmother has made […]

Homerun : Charlie’s bar mitzvah {by meredith}


I barely believe this as it is coming out of my fingers, but this was my very first wedding at Meadowbrook Country Club! shot a really awesome baby shower there once for a wedding planner friend, but after all these years this is my first wedding. I don’t get to have very many first like […]

Lauren + Andy wedding {by liz}


This is a fun and happy way to wrap up the week! Mary and Kalyan literally light up around each other. When you see Kalyan you will just want to hug him. Meredith was helping me choose blog photos and actually said “This may be your happiest groom ever!” Totally spot on Mer! And Mary […]

Mary + Kalyan wedding {by liz}