Okay folks, buckle in, this is kind of a long one. Between the crazy scheduling of fall and my kid breaking his arm, I have not been on the blog for a few weeks – so in my triumphant return to blogging (don’t call it a comeback!) I present for your viewing pleasure, Kim and […]
“Better late than never” is a good little motto to live by in my book. Don’t get me wrong, I also believe in “better on time than late” as my primary approach to life, but we can’t live in absolutes. Life is full of gray area and sometimes that’s the best part! So, rather than […]
I can’t believe it has taken us two months to get these up! It’s amazing just how busy the “off season” can be as we catch up on album designs, vendor photos, ads, new client consults, web site updates, pricing updates, new product samples and pricing, insurance, taxes (ick), etc, etc…there is just so much […]
Tim and Dolma Fogerty have done it… they have stayed married. For 50 years. As a wedding photographer, I always get to see the beginnings of fresh new marriages, so it was so beautiful to get to witness the vow renewal of a couple who has stayed happy and in love for 50 years! This […]