I literally caught myself smiling back at my screen while I was scrolling through this final selection of blog images. I always do that before I start typing (not the smile but the scroll). I need to make sure I chose images that truly tell the story of the day just the way I remember […]
I love watching families grow. And am always amazed at how fast time goes by, seeing all these little kiddos grow up. I photographed JD when he was one, and now he’s a big brother to a one-year-old. They are so darn cute together. JD is a great big brother, and so admired! (sidenote: I […]
Kids and families grow and change so much each year. It’s so important to capture. This is their life. And they are your life. Even if you don’t hire a professional photographer, please take lots of photos every chance you get – especially of the everyday, what you think is mundane, moments. With all this […]
So one thing about this time of year that I don’t like, is that it gets dark so early… BUT I’m starting to change my tune on that. There is actually a big photographer bonus that comes earlier in the day now … sunset light! For us photographers that usually photograph families with small children, […]