Spending time with the whole family together. It really is something special to capture. It’s not often that I photograph extended family photo sessions that are not for a specific event (like Grandma’s birthday party, or a baptism, for example) – but having “something to do” besides stare at the camera is totally the way […]
Around the holidays, I got to spend a little time with this adorable baby guy and his parents, in their downtown St. Louis loft… ^ Super creative parents made their former walk-in closet his nursery. Brick, cement, and totally adorable! This art on display cracked me up: Boy (n.) A noise with dirt on it. […]
I need to pause my boring January Monday (behind the scenes accounting/tax/organization business work) for a moment and share how adorable is this little girl’s room is! Right? Bright, colorful and flooding with natural light. I want to hang out here all day! This quilt, made by Grandma, is so special. And we of course […]
{by kristie} Sweet, sweet, sweetie. Don’t you just want to squish his cheeks!?! I mean. Really. I’m excited to share this session with with you, not only because we captured lots of adorableness – but because I’d like to tell you about my NEW SESSION OPTION for newborn babies this year – and this session […]
I (Kristie) have been SUPER M.I.A. from the blog this fall (and honestly sort-of this whole year). Partly due to trying to keep up with the insanity that is this season … Partly due to my baby #2 on the way (December!) keeping my house to-do-list quite full … And partly due to me not […]
Why, hello sweetie. A little play in the park with this 1.5-year-old doll. I do love photographing this age. Never a fake smile, only earned ones. And even though it comes with a little trickery (like lots of swinging for our session to stay happy ;) – it’s all totally worth it! By the way, […]
Holy cow. I think this session sealed the deal … I am living in the wrong part of the country! I LOVE shooting by water. I really wish I could do it more. Light reflecting on water is one of my favorite things ever. It’s hard to beat that beauty. And what kid doesn’t love […]
Sweet little girl Kennedy. What can I say? She was a perfect little angel the day we were together. Kennedy was born June 18 and spent some time in the NICU before getting to head home with Mom & Dad. She is thankfully home now, and has the best “big sibling” pup to watch over […]
O. M. G. I mean really. O. M. G. This kid is so cute I can’t handle it. Little Max, and his sweet Mom, graced our studio earlier this month to give all of us at L Photographie an afternoon of smiles. I absolutely love photographing this age. I’m sure every child photographer would agree. […]