So excited to share this one today! Ellen is a complicated woman (aren’t we all really?!) She manages corporate events for a living, so as you can imagine, she has pretty exquisite taste when it comes to decor and such. But when it came to their wedding photography, Ellen and Chris were not into details. […]
Ever meet someone you just seem to “click” with? It could be a random encounter at a grocery store in the checkout line or a friend of a friend at a cocktail hour. I never know when I’m going to come across someone that I really just WANT to keep talking with. I think being […]
Maggie and Mike…could you two be more laid back and fun? Seriously?! All smiles, completely relaxed, stress free wedding day here folks! I think the cake could have had a giant gaping hole in it and one of the bridesmaid dresses could have arrived in lime green and Maggie wouldn’t have cared a bit. It’s […]
Mollie and Adam are my favorite kind of couple – warm, laid back, and fun to be around. Their day was full of joy and it was an awesome tribute to how much they love each other and how close they are as a family. We started off at the Chase Park Plaza for getting […]
I loved everything about this day, but mostly I love Murray, Matt and their families. As a wedding “vendor” I always expect to be treated with respect, but also realize that I am technically the “hired help.” I am perfectly fine being called a vendor and know my place in the food chain. After all, […]
It has been brought to my attention that every time I blog I apologize for not blogging and it has become a bit redundant. I’ve committed to some self improvement in 2010 and we’ll start here. This isn’t the first time I have been called out for over-apologizing in my lifetime. So that’s it! No […]